MP3 Cutter by Aiv Software 1.9
Free   6.6 MB

MP3 Cutter by Aiv Software 1.9

Free Extract fragments from large MP3 files
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1.9 See all
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Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   6.6 MB

Cuts parts from MP3 files and saves them separately without damaging the sound quality. Useful for dealing with long mixes or creating ringtones.

Long audio mixes usually include some parts that I don't really like and that can ruin the entire listening experience. MP3 cutter offers a simple solution for this problem by helping its users extract the song fragments they want to keep.

This program comes with only one purpose in mind and that's to cut your favorite sections from an audio file without damaging its sound quality. Your only task will be to select the start and end positions and to save the output file. My only advice to you is to be careful to rename the processed file before saving or you might lose the original MP3 file.

MP3 Cutter won't give you access to additional editing tools, like an audio merger or audio effects. This audio cutter will only let you cut audio files and that's it.

Personally, I would've liked this application more, if it supported other audio formats too, not only MP3. Sadly, you can cut only MP3 files and save them to the same format.

The program lacks an offline help manual, but, if you ask me, there's a very small chance that you might actually need any assistance.

To conclude, MP3 Cutter provided me the simplest way I could think of for cutting audio files and the results were more than satisfactory. Plus, you don't have to pay anything to use this program. Therefore, you should give this program a try if you require a simple and efficient audio cutting tool.

AG Senior editor
Ashley Griggs
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • User-friendly interface
  • Comes with a built-in audio player
  • Fast processing


  • Supports only the MP3 format (input and output)
  • No offline help guide available

Comments (2)

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easy & helpful

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Well, to educate ourselves, when comes into getting a free software from so called internet there must be a price though, that is why many will go into piracy things for the solutions such as p2p or torrenting, this is so sad.
There is no absolute risks free nowadays!

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